For Her

Tales of the Night Errant

valentineYou are the woman that has made all the difference

You are the sunlight in a life left dark too long

You are the reason my heart continues to beat

You are the glow in my eyes when I am alone in thought

You are the smile on my lips when I am in a crowd

You are my distant gaze to a horizon where sunlight peers behind

You are the calm that washes over me like Mediterranean waves

You are purest air that rushes into my lungs

You are the constant, overriding happiness that overtakes me when sadness threatens to rule

You are every wonderful memory that has made me shed happy tears

You are the tremble in my hands when I feel your sensuality

You are the muse of every painter that has ever created masterpieces

You are the lyric that others try to sing but only you can make pitch perfect


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#Ferguson @Night_Errant @deray “The Law”

The Law is not infallible.
It is not rigid and unbending.
The Law is not to be worshipped,
Nor even revered, in some circumstances.
Law only reflects an opinion,
Fleeting opinion in relation to all of time,
Not even always held by the majority,
Certainly not even by a true cross-section
Of our community’s population.

Man IS the law.
Man creates law;
Man desecrates law.
As always, there is no one else.
Man must serve & protect his own.


the actress

Finally convinced she is
in this bounty of flesh
the essence of
resides within…

Decades of
enormous discontent
both self-directed, and
reinforced by
other lovers

Replaced by
sheer force of unrelenting
to improve

She strides tall on strong legs
appreciating the weight
of admiring eyes upon her
traversing upwards
negotiating saftig curves
inviting, rubenesque landscapes
bountiful sway of buxom breasts
shimmer of fine, flaxen strands
Senses and welcomes his
appreciation, admir-

suddenly recognizable
unmistakable, inconcealable, instinctive disappointment
flashes across his face
floods his eyes
as they meet hers
registering the etchings of years
unappreciating the evidences of experiences
all the time it took her to

reminds her
she was never
convinced at all

Some Favorites from KE

I have found
In a raggedy world
With patchwork people
& plastic skies
That wears me down
I think of you
You’re my happy place
A stunted fool
Tossing careless words
Damaging hearts
Crushing souls
Refuses to bend
Rises from phoenix ashes
To soar
My love has crossed the line
From passion to obsession
From divinity to madness
My mind is lost and locked
In your heart’s asylum
Her soul is a book
Of finest papyrus
Written by scribes
In delicate inks
Words of intimate beauty
With pages yet
To be filled
By his love
How sad
The midnight train
Must be
Racing down razor tracks
In black marble night
Out of control
To an unknown destination
Such a beauty
Holds his needing mind
Such a delight
Holds his trembling soul
Such a love
Holds his wanting heart
Such a woman
Completes him
To touch her skin
To smell her hair
To brush her cheek
To look in her eyes
To hear her voice
To know her love
All I really want
Even in distance
Their passion abides
One with another
Because their souls
Are already one
Still close even now
In shared words
Known love

different people mean different things

different people mean different things
when saying those three little words
till death do us part
with all of my heart
what’s important is that they be heard
(I love you)
If you bring things that
enrich my soul
nourish it, and make me whole
make me laugh, make me sing
make me thankful for little things
(I love you)
Don’t be surprised
No shock in your eyes
we’ve limited time
say what’s on your mind
you make me happy and
(I love you)


My unworldly grandmother once told me I had Scottish blood in my ancestry, only she said, “Scotch.” That explains a lot, I thought, as I took another sip.

“I just used the words ‘bemoan’ and ‘devoid’ in the same sentence without even trying!” whispered the secret pride of a logophile.

Love makes the world go ’round
But I get sick on the spinny rides.

Spontaneity gets the best of me
Reality takes the rest of me



tears flood my garden
sweet William grows there but now
succumbs to memories

@CnstantGardener #botaiku #haiku


a mild admonishment

when one harbors a treasure
it is greater the pleasure
to remain quietly unannounced

coinage uncounted
jewel stones unmounted
value unmeasured by ounce

true worth is revealed
exposed ‘hind your shield
wealth of wit now pronounced

the pleasure’s in uncovering
the joy’s in discovering
an ego unbeknownst